We spent 9 days at the Westin, and the hotel was wonderful. The pools were huge, and you just stepped out of the pool and onto the beach so we pretty much never had to leave.
The best part though was having so many friends (old, new, and in-between) there with us. Going on vacation with friends is the best. It would have been a totally different trip without all of our fun co-travelers.
I literally had thousands of photos to sort through, and when we came back I launched into a few weeks of extra extra overtime at work. These shots are from the boardwalk downtown. It was one of the only 3 times we left our hotel. Sunday nights on the boardwalk are family nights. As the heat of the day cooled, people were dancing to street music, attending church, and just enjoying the beautiful culture well into the evening. I think Bethany and I could have stayed for hours taking pictures, but the boys were pretty worn out by sunset. What a wonderful evening with the Fegles pair.