When we took these in April it was my first time renting the 70-200mm, and so it took me a little while to get used to it. Plus, we had some location and lighting challenges, but thankfully my subject is so beautiful that all of that didn't matter.
Kelsey, you are one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out. I could not do life without you. Your faithfulness, depth, commitment, and deep love are a rare treasure. I'm so lucky that God had us set aside to be the best of friends.
It has been the most amazing pleasure to watch you embrace motherhood. You were SUCH a beautiful pregnant woman, and it was a pleasure to get to try and capture Kader-tot in all his belly glory.
Can't you just see the love between these two? Shawn was born to be a dad, and I can't wait for him to help show Kade how to grow into man shoes :-). Kelsey framed the last shot for her nursery, and it really symbolizes how Shawn will be a man of God as he walks with Kade through life. Love, love.
LOL smack it! :-)
So cute!!!