Sorry Gavin, you are actually 18 months and 1 week now. I started this entry last week, does that count? Anyhow ...
Dear Gavin,
My little snuggle bug. It cracks me up that your favorite word is now "up." I make you say "please" too so it is "up peeeze" which half the time is merged to sound like "apple." Point being that you just love to be held, pretty much by anyone who is willing to hold you. Last night Tyler stayed at Grandy's for a sleepover so you had me all to yourself. I tried to get you interested in playing with toys with me, but pretty much, you just wanted to sit in my lap, climb all over me, and try to make me laugh. I was your personal jungle gym, and you were ecstatic.
You are less interested in toys than your brother was, but if you do get interested in something, you like to sit and figure it out. Music is your thing. When it stops, you cry. When it starts, you dance ... and dance and dance! I'll peek in the back seat in the car and you are just rocking out to the tunes.
I love that you are understanding everything these days, when you want to of course. I can ask you to go get something in another room and you will trot right in there and get it. You come back and do the cutest little victory smile. Often times you get so excited about something like that that you almost jump out of your skin with giddyness. You are SO smart G. You have been talking since 10 months. You have so many words now and will make an effort to repeat any new words we say. A few of your favorites: Mommy, Daddy, Ty-Ty, Up, Peeeze, hi, bye, ba-NANA, apple, mow (milk), mo (more), up, many animal sounds (although a cat says "OWW" instead of "meow" to you ... probably because that is how peabody sounds when he won't stop begging for food). You just started saying "Ninny" for your little friend Ginny whenever you see her, which is ridiculously cute.
Another funny thing that you do is walk around the house with your hands behind your back. It is a little trademark of yours, and it is adorable. Just like your brother, you love mischief. If it's too quiet, something is definitely up (your current favorite now that you can open doors is playing in the toilet). Oh am I in trouble in the future :) Rascals!!
I have always known you were going to have a stubborn bent. I'm seeing that in your personality more and more every day. You will hold your ground WAY longer than your brother to try and get your way. Sorry bud, it usually still doesn't work (you were not born into a family of pushovers) but you sure put up a fight trying. Distraction does not work well. If you want something, you want it, and we are all going to hear about it. Makes for some interesting and dramatic reactions when you are told "no." Even though that trait can drive a mommy nutso, I think if we help you learn to use it appropriately, you will be a very driven and perseverant man. It's going to be a challenge though.
I know this is well beyond the reality of an 18-month-old, but we are very much of the mindset that we "parent with the end in mind" meaning that all of our parenting decisions try to focus on what men we want our boys to become and how can we help them succeed in that. That "end" is best summed up by: "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control" Galations 5:22. When stubborness is not paired with a good understanding of selflessness, it can make for someone who lacks most of those fruits. I'm so excited to watch you wrestle with these over the years Gavin because I have every confidence that on the other end will emerge a very strong man with a very perseverant heart who is willing to fight long and hard for the benefit of others. Together with your brother, who so far above all treasures joy, you will make an amazing team, always able to help push each other forward and also reign each other in. And so, little man, in the comforts of our own little playtimes at home, when over and over I try to show Tyler how sharing is SO much more joyful than playing with all the toys but consequently playing alone and when I try to show you that throwing a fit only leads to solitude (time out) while self-control leads to togetherness and all the snuggles you could want, just know that there is method to my madness. God helps me to see the big picture, and I pray that daily he shows me how to help you both get there.
That was a digression, but I just want you to know how much I completely adore your personality, and how much depth I see into those sparkling blue eyes. I love you so much little man. I am so excited to hear your vocabulary explode in the next 6 months and hear what all is going on in that smart little mind of yours.
You are my best cuddlemonster, and I love you to pieces. ~ Mommy
Here are the photos of just Gavin from our session with Bethany.
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Honestly one of my favorite photos ever of you Gavin because this is the view I see NONSTOP. "Up, pleeeezeeee???" A view from a mommy. :) |
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