

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Haddles is 2 months, Gavs is 4

What a crazy two months this has been.  But in spite of everything, it's been crazy good.  I mean look at this girl.


I think we may be starting to settle into a little bit of a routine (well, as much of one as you can have with 3 kids).  My pain is basically gone, and the only doctor we have seen this week was for our well child checks.  

The boys are doing a sports camp this week in the mornings.  Today after camp we went to the pool with friends, and it was like a real summer day! I was able to put Hadley in the gym childcare for an hour to swim with Gavin.  He's doing a great job trying to swim on his own.  It's not "pretty" but he's at least at the point where he wouldn't instantly sink to the bottom if he fell in.  

I feel like I have a lot that I want to share as the emotions from the big transitions we have gone through shake out.  Of course, it's already 10:00, so I must be disciplined and get to bed.  Thankfully, my mom and Hadley and I are taking a little girls trip to California to visit family this weekend so I'm hoping for a few free minutes to help type out everything that is in my head.

And for the record, even "normal" life with 3 kids pretty much kicks my booty.  All my friends with 3+ made it look way too easy.  It's also incredibly worth it.  :-)

Sorry all of these pictures are Facebook duplicates.  I have so many more I'd love to post … broken record: no time!

These 2 month pics of hadley were driving me nuts to edit because the blanket she was bouncing back way too much light.  I didn't have time to mess with them too much, so I don't love the images, but the subject makes up for it :).  And no, I didn't saturate her eyes.  In the light, that's their blue.  I doubt they will stay that steel-blue, so all the more reason to take as many photos now as I can!!

This is my favorite picture of Gavin because it combines his mischievous  defiance with his irresistible sweetness.  He's such a charmer.  

1 comment:

  1. Jess: You are so on target about the picture of Gavin. It is the essence of our sweet imp who can charm and "disarm" you all in one moment!

