In the past 9 months since I posted last, I spent 4 of them horrendously nauseous/throwing up. The other 5 I actually felt pretty good but was so incredibly exhausted and working like a mad woman to save up my time for maternity leave. This crew had to by my number one priority:
But now, our ever so precious Ms. Hadley Lane Jordan is here and gorgeous. There are not words to describe the entire experience of waiting for and finally meeting her. Hopefully I will take time in the future to write about that. Here she is in all her perfection.
Ok, now that we are caught up from the past year (wink, wink), let's get on to some much overdue blog posting. I can't make any promises because life with 3 littles is complete and utter joyful chaos with very little if any left over energy for typing. I'm not here to have a well visited blog. Not at all.
However, the past 2 days have sort of rocked me to my core and have made me want to resume my love of sharing my perspective on our little life with those who love us. The peaceful normalcy of life (however chaotic it may seem at the time) can all be taken from you in the blink of an eye when you find yourself in a situation that picks you up out of your life and plops you into one of your worst nightmares. And so, I hope to celebrate "normal" by once again documenting a few ins-and-outs of daily life [faithfully].
"For Your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness." Psalm 26:3
~ Jessica
She is SO gorgeous and I have loved all the photos you have posted on facebook!!! Congratulations!!!