

Monday, June 30, 2014

My faith is not in the boat.

I'm going to be brutally honest as I write this.  You never know when someone else may stumble across it while up feeding their newborn at 4 am in their frightened google search of "neoplasm in submandibular gland."  Maybe my faith and experience can help a scared mama out there take a breath, silence the fear, and just trust that she is in the good hands of the God who loves each one of us far beyond what we can ever know.  

When I thought of maternity leave all summer long, it certainly didn't look like what the past 6 weeks have looked like.  I've seen the inside of more doctors offices and hospitals than I EVER have in my life.  Thankfully, God knew.  He was preparing my heart even when I didn't realize it.

Last week, unrelated to anything going on with me, my friend Kelly texted me the link to this very gifted, energetic pastor's recent sermon.  The church is called Elevation Church out of North Carolina, and Pastor Steven Furtick is incredibly charismatic in a very genuine and endearing way.  His sermon called "It Will Happen" (number three) from the series Crash the Chatterbox blew my mind.  The pastor preached passionately about staring down our worst fears in the face with the boldness of knowing who we are in Jesus.

I've been a woman of strong faith for many years, and I've come to know God intimately, but I'm never surprised when He takes my faith to a whole deeper level just with one scripture, sermon, song, lesson, interaction, etc.  I just knew after hearing that sermon that my perspective would never be the same.  

If I've intrigued you, please listen to it (link above).  I guarantee it will catch your interest in a few minutes even if you are not a Christian.  

From the sermon, I asked myself in what areas in my life I was having faith "in the boat" to get me across rough waters versus having faith that GOD would save my circumstance.   I could go on and on, but just listen to it.  

Armed with an even deeper faith, the very next day, my worst fear stopped me in my tracks (I'm not clever enough to know the nautical version of that saying … ran me aground?).

For some back story, Hadley was born on 5/16, and we brought her home on 5/18.  That evening I felt a sore throat coming on, so I felt around my neck for swollen lymph nodes.  Sure enough, I found a large one.  I had Matt feel it, and we both sort of looked at each other in a funny way.  Without any words, we both wondered, "Is that ok?" I will never forget looking into his eyes and for a split second each of us feeling gnawing fear and panic.  But I said, "I think I'm just getting sick."

I dismissed it as a viral related swollen lymph node, and I did have a very sore throat those first few days home.  The illness went away, the lump didn't.  With everything we were adjusting to at home having 3 kids, Matt transitioning at work to a new store and having to get his current store ready for new management, then Hadley being hospitalized, having to work so hard to bulk her weight up (and I could go on with several other headaches that have seemed to just not let up in the past month), life was so crazy that it didn't surprise me my immune system was in overdrive and the node was still big.  

Finally after 5 weeks, I went to my doctor, and she scheduled an ultrasound just to check it out.  I completely thought it was a node but just wanted to be safe.  When the report came back, I was shocked to hear that the nearly 3 cm mass was actually concerning for a neoplasm (tumor).

After a RIDICULOUS amount of phone calls complete with 3 kids being kids in the background (our medical system's red tape is absolutely absurd, and the fact that we make patients navigate so many hoops while they are grasping the concept that they may have something scary that is wrong with them is just terrible), I had an CT scan on Friday.  The read came back within an hour.

Not only did the radiologist feel that the mass in my submandibular salivary gland was suspicious of a tumor (no way to know benign or malignant without biopsy), he also saw a 1 cm nodule on my thyroid.
The lymph nodes in the area are normal which is a very good thing.  I was instructed to see ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists on Monday.  And then, to wait.

Anyone who has done this wait from first hearing of a possible cancerous growth to finding out what exactly you are facing understands the spot that we are in.  You just can't  help but fear the worst, all while hoping for the best.  You have to hope.  You have a wonderful husband and three gorgeous kids (including this teeny tiny 6-week-old baby) who all need you.  At the very same time, their sweet faces staring up at you just reminds you of how much you have to lose.

And the chatter starts.  This is unfiltered brutal honesty of the chatter that Satan plants to set fear deep in my soul:  

"I may have cancer.  I could die.  I could leave my three babies without a mother.  I could leave my husband alone to manage the life that we are suppose to navigate together.  My sweet children who are supposed to grow up under my love and in my arms could be left alone (shudder).  If I do have cancer and do chemo, I'd have to quit breastfeeding.  How much will all of this cost?  What if I can't go back to work?  What if we can't afford to live? What if what it what if what if ……….????"

STOP.  BRAKES.  SILENCE.  NO.  Crash that chatterbox.

Fear is NEVER from the Lord.  Any thought ever that provokes worry is a lying voice meant to distract you from what you know is true about the everlasting, ever providing, ever loving God of the universe who created you and has infinite power and resources at your disposal.

All weekend, any time that any of these thoughts has crept in to my mind, I have just said NO WAY ENEMY.  Whatever my precious Jesus has for my path, He intends it all for good, and I will trust Him fully as we walk.  

With this mindset, I was actually able to experience so much joy this weekend with my beautiful family.  And today, I finally met with ENT.

The doctors explained that a submandibular gland growth is relatively rare.  40% of them are malignant, 60% are benign.  The best thing to do is to get it out as soon as possible.  We will need to biopsy the thyroid as well, but that will need to wait for another time because the tumor is more time sensitive,  I had my prayer troops praying that we could get in for surgery ASAP despite the short week due to 4th of July.  As a huge answer to that, the doctors made space in their schedule this Wednesday morning just for me.  

They will remove the gland, which involves working around a facial nerve.  There is some risk of temporary nerve damage (permanent damage is extremely rare).  Then we will need to wait for the tissue to be sent to pathology to tell us if it is benign or malignant.  We will also schedule a non-sedated biopsy of the thyroid to see what lies down that rabbit hole … hopefully nothing!

I think that is the gist of the ride we have been on.  

Prayer requests right now include:

1.  Safe and smooth surgery with divine hands and wisdom for the surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses, etc.   I'm also very concerned about how breastfeeding will be impacted by the anesthesia or pain medication.  Please just help me be able to get back to breastfeeding as soon as is safely possible.  This is actually one of my biggest stressors through this all (because feeding her has been my number one priority for 6 weeks, and it needs to continue to be).  Also of course for no facial nerve involvement.  

2.  Benign, benign, benign.  We HATE cancer.  No room for cancer here.  BENIGN.

3.  God to be in the details.  Having 3 kids including breastfeeding a newborn who has struggled to gain weight is to say the least is as time consuming as it may sound (or more).  Keeping them fed, clothed, clean, happy, etc is just a lot when your mind is also racing around chaotic circumstances.  For peace in the midst of all the daily life that continues.

4.  Wisdom to know how much to share with the boys about what is going on, and for God to just give them joyful obliviousness and to get to continue a carefree wonderful summer.

5.  For God to be with our dear friends Jon and Kelly Klos.  We have shared life with them for 12 years, and their moving truck to Bend is set to drive away the exact time my surgery occurs.  To not be there to say goodbye is very hard.  It is just going to be a tough day for us all.  Please keep them safe in their travels and let them experience joy in their new journey even though it is coinciding with this hardship.

6.  For my forever friend Kristin who is waist deep in her own courageous battle with breast cancer.  We always were "twinsies" at Santa Clara … didn't plan to be twinsies in an arena like this.  Please visit her caring bridge site and pray for her with boldness.  She is amazing.  AMAZING.  

We are so very blessed to have so much help.  Our family is incredible, helping care for our kids and pick up the pieces of life that we can't right now.  Our friends are just exceptional.  I can't say enough thank you's.  

Alrighty, well that is that.  Here we go.  Hugs to all of you near and far who are my sideline cheerleaders.  You all know that I kicked some serious booty working out during this pregnancy, so I am a FIT, HEALTHY, STRONG, FAITHFUL woman and a force to be reckoned with with the power that shines through me.  ~ Jessica

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Genesis 28:15

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man/woman who takes refuge in Him."  Psalm 34:8

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41:10

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."  Psalm 62:5-6


  1. Psalm 62 was my go-to when we were up there with Selah...
    Praying it for you tonight.
    That you can cling to Him and pour out your heart to Him...
    And that He will be a true, real refuge for you in the midst of all this.
    Thankful for you Jessica...for what you were to our family in the midst of our darkest hours.
    Praying for healing and clear-no-cancer-ness...but also that through this...that you will know His love for you even an even deeper way than you'd ever imagined.
    With SO much love, Kara (for the Chuppies)

  2. Wow, Jess! Thank you for sharing and for speaking Jesus's love so clearly! Fear is NEVER from God. Amen. My prayers will be helping to hold you and your beautiful family as you allow the Lord to carry you across this storm. Please let me know if there is anything you need.


    Stephanie G

  3. Heather schoenheitJuly 1, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    Thank you Jess! I have been struggling with my own chatterbox lately and really needed to refocus on The Lord. This message is so true. I can't imagine going through what you are going through but hope you are able to remember this day to day.

    As far as breast feeding through surgery, I can only recommend doing your own research. I'm sure you will be told to "pump and dump" but this isn't always necessary. Just go into it as informed as possible. Maybe touch base with a lactation consultant? I am sure that would be one of my bigger stressors too, especially with the FTT stuff happening.

    Hugs and prayers,


  4. Dear, precious Jessica, you are so in our prayers for healing and continued peace through the long process of winding answers. Scott and I pray for the special kind of peace that only our savior can grant, the kind we were given at your hospital when you spread that peace to the Whipple family. We were so scared for our Owen and his cancer at Christmas time no less! And you and your family ministered to us in such a great way with prayers and acts of kindness. We will never forget the blessings that came out of a crazy cancer on a little baby boy. Peace to you sister! You can do this with courage like a lion that God grants us. Love you

  5. Jessica, I appreciate your honesty. Remain courageous, accept the things you can not change, find time for a moment of peacefulness daily. I am very optimistic and I know you are prepared with the tools that will allow you to overcome any obstacles put in your way. There are a gazillion people who love you and are here for you and your family. Keep the faith.

